
Culture & Immersion

Culture & Immersion, Language, Travel

The Gua’s of Colombia

Guayabo, guayaba, guanabana-bana-bana… If you’re learning Spanish in Colombia, chances are you’re going to get into the rabbit hole of words that are about as similar to one another as a peach is to a nectarine. That’s what the gua’s of Colombian Spanish are to me. I’m partially writing this to help wrap my own head around this. With that being said, here are the gua’s.

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Culture & Immersion

Gringo Guide Semana Santa in Medellin

As a Westerner I had come across this week about as well informed as a born again baptist at a buddhist temple. Being an agnostic of many years, I have trouble remembering when Easter is. You know that day as a child when you’re parents hid candy filled eggs around the house and you and your siblings were tasked with finding and eating them before they rot. The only time of year you see those pink and yellow marshmallow peeps, the ones you threw up after eating more than 5 of. Here in Medellin, I experienced none of that, except what in my point of view…

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Culture & Immersion

Swimming at Estadio, Medellin – How to Reserve

For all you gringos out there that wondering how you can go swimming at Estadio for free, here’s how!   Swimming at Estadio Requirements: A swim cap Synthetic material swimsuit (Under Armour material) Printed out reservation form Your physical document ID/Passport (they won’t accept a photo on your phone) The swimming cap (3.000 pesos) and swimsuit (20.000 pesos) you will be able to buy at the store at the swimming complex. Step 1: Create an account To get started creating an account so that you can reserve your pool spot go to If you want to change your language, do so now from the homepage, then go…

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Culture & Immersion, Travel

Explain Lithuania to Me

Ever feel like just saying “I’m from ______ (insert city)” doesn’t get across what that city means to you? Living in Medellín I get asked from which large piece of dirt I originate and I don’t know whether to answer them United States or Lithuania. There’s the country I originated from, and the country I would have came from if it weren’t for war and communism (I technically had to prove that to earn my Lithuanian citizenship). How do I explain Lithuania?   Don’t get me wrong, I love the USA and the opportunities she’s given me for 25 years. Likewise, I’ve always had…

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Culture & Immersion, Narrative

Ayahuasca Ceremony? Tripping on Wha?

They say the Ayahuasca ceremony is a medicinal one — “So we need a purpose and we need to wear all white and abstain from meat, sex, onions, garlic and what else!?” I asked my friend Flor, in surprise. The list of requirements for the ayahuasca ceremony was unique to say the least. Additionally spending the Saturday night before my 27th birthday in the jungle around a fire tripping on spiritual medicine instead of partying on a rooftop party is once in a lifetime chance. Right? “I’m doing it! It’s on my bucket list. I’ll just fast for 2 days straight so I don’t puke.” And that’s…

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